Wednesday, October 24, 2012

This writing life

Sometimes the muse fades. Sometimes there isn’t a single thought that the writer thinks is worth developing and there’s nothing left to do but walk away from the keyboard.

So it was with me this week, and regrettably I haven’t blogged. My frustration has been so great that, had I been using a typewriter, I would have yanked the sheets of paper from the platen, crumpled them in disgust and tossed them into the trash. Or onto the floor. Or at the head of whoever happened to be passing by at that moment. But I use a computer and computers are not well suited to tossing.

But here’s what I have done:
-          Raked and bagged leaves fallen from the giant maple in the front yard
-          Pulled some weeds
-          Watched too many presidential debates
-          Argued pro and con too many political issues
-          Played Word with Friends with friends
-          Gone to lunch with friends
-          Skyped with friends
-          Read several books to a grandchild
-          Prayed some, sang some, read some, ate some, laughed some
-          And sometimes I just sat.

Maybe inspiration will return tomorrow.

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