Monday, October 1, 2012

A Benefit? To whom

Friend was recently downsized from her government job. Friend followed procedures and registered for unemployment benefits - an entitlement, having worked for a substantial period of time. Said benefits, she discovered, do not include health insurance coverage.

            So tell me, why should this person or any other hard-working, land-of-the-free-and-home-of-the-brave American citizen begin the process of seeking further employment when unemployed, non-citizens are being awarded insurance benefits at no cost to themselves?

            I'd like to hear what you think.


  1. Because your friend has something called "Self Respect". Your friend understands the difference between a hand up, and a hand out. Your friend understands that just like salvation, returning this country to greatness is a one-by-one proposition.
    Your friend will accept the help, but is the type of person that makes things happen rather than watching things happen, or wondering what the heck just happened.
    Your friend is the type of person that will take a short spell of time to go thru the stages, and then set out making "finding a job" a full-time job.
    Your friend is the kind of a person that makes this country great. Your friend is the reason why there is still hope....

  2. Bob, you are absolutely correct. My friend has already started the search for new employment, because she recognizes that work engenders self worth, self respect, self esteem. But I am sure you understand her frustration when she must write a check for health care and the person next to her receives the same services for free ("free" meaning it is paid for by some other person's hard work.) Today I will commiserate with her. Tomorrow she continues her search, and she will, ultimately, be successful. Yes, there is still hope. Thanks for sharing.
