Does it serve any useful purpose to look backwards? And while
looking backwards, does it serve any purpose to pray for or about incidents
that have already passed?
In his first newsletter for the New Year, our
pastor shared a discussion he had with another pastor: “... [We] were talking
about prayer and he told me that he prays for Civil War generals. ... He
explained that God sits outside of time, meaning God is not bound by time, so
He can be at work in all times simultaneously....Maybe the outcome we know
[from the Civil War] is because God has
already considered these prayers I offer today.” Wow!
I’ve been wrestling with that possibility since I read the letter. I don’t understand. I don’t know that I am able to comprehend the whole possibility of my present day actions having an impact on the past. What I do know is that God walks with me in the present and is even now preparing the way ahead of me in the future -- and not just preparing the way. He resides there and is actively working out situations for my benefit. I never cease to be amazed that the God of the universe takes me (and you) into consideration as he performs his “tasks.” But having that assurance, I resolve to press on, continue the work he has called me to do now, and to be ever vigilant for new opportunities to serve Him. This is my sole resolution for the New Year. I pray it is yours also.
I’ve been wrestling with that possibility since I read the letter. I don’t understand. I don’t know that I am able to comprehend the whole possibility of my present day actions having an impact on the past. What I do know is that God walks with me in the present and is even now preparing the way ahead of me in the future -- and not just preparing the way. He resides there and is actively working out situations for my benefit. I never cease to be amazed that the God of the universe takes me (and you) into consideration as he performs his “tasks.” But having that assurance, I resolve to press on, continue the work he has called me to do now, and to be ever vigilant for new opportunities to serve Him. This is my sole resolution for the New Year. I pray it is yours also.
It's just another application of the archway that we walk thru. As we stand before it, we see "Whosoever Will". After we walk thru and look back we see "Chosen before the foundation of the world".
ReplyDeleteWe see as thru a glass darkly.
I think that he's right, but there's no way that we can understand all the ramifications of that. Enough to know that he's been called to that, and we are obedient enough to lay it before God as a potential calling...
Bob, I accept by faith "Chosen before the foundation of the world." My finite mind doesn't fully comprehend it, but I accept it. So much to learn; so much to do; so little time...